Vital to any industrial application, CRT Concrete Consulting LLC can assist you with your project with the proper design and development of Slab Grade design and construction.
Working hand in hand with your project’s Engineer of Record, CRT can provide the following for your project.
- Detailed document review with written comments.
- Slab mixture review and evaluation using finite element analysis.
- Optimization of slab mixture, designed to minimize slab cracking.
- Coordination of Team members with a CRT lead pre-placement meeting.

After the design and development of your project’s mix design. CRT will then be present during slab placement. While onsite CRT can further assist your project by completing the following.
- Observing the placement site and notifying parties present of any concerns and recommendations.
- CRT will be present during one placement to ensure the quality of the mix delivered and the proper placement of the slab.
- Then following the placement, a written post-placement report will be issued.